Sunday, February 24, 2013

Episode 1.2

Natalia: Welcome back to Outlast! Last time on Outlast, alliances were forming, and so was some drama. Raymond won the reward challenge, and gets to take someone on a date. Maria won immunity, meaning she can't go home this week. So who will be eliminated? Find out here on Outlast: The Sims 3 Survivor!
Monique: I'm so happy that you won immunity, Maria!
Gladis: Me too, you totally deserved it!
Maria: Thanks girls! You two are the best, I don't know what I'd do without you.

Gladis: You really were amazing in that challenge, Maria.
Maria: Aww, thanks Gladis, you're so sweet!
Gladis: Hehe. Well, I'm getting pretty tired, I'm going to head off to bed. *yawns*
Maria: Goodnight!
*Gladis leaves*
Maria: I am telling you, Monique, we cannot trust her!
Monique: What? Gladis? She's such a sweetheart though?
Maria: I feel like she's going to betray us.. We need to get rid of her as soon as possible.
Monique: Maybe you're right.. I don't know.
Anabelle: Why don't you just give up on your pathetic little crush on Raymond?
Misty: Crush? Who said I like Raymond?
Anabelle: Oh cut the act, Misty, it's obvious you're in love with him. He doesn't like you!
Misty: Oh yeah, well what makes you think he likes you?
Anabelle: Ha! Please! Why wouldn't he?
Misty: Oh where to begin?
Anabelle: Shut up!
Danny: So Raymond, who are you planning to take on that date?
Raymond: Well, I did have one girl in mind, she's quite the dolly.
Danny: Oh really? I happen to know of a few girls who wouldn't mind going on a date with you..

Raymond: Haha. I may have heard some things myself. I know who I want to take, but I just don't want to hurt anyones feelings..
Branchus: Can we take a break from talking about your petty problems for a moment?
Danny: Oh, hey Branchus..
Branchus: Hello. Alright, listen, who do you guys think should go home?
Danny: Hmm.. I don't know, what about Gladis?
Raymond: Why Gladis? She seems so sweet?
Branchus: Yeah, surprisingly I'm going to have to agree with Raymond on this one, I think we should go with Anabelle.
Danny: No way, she's not even a threat, why waste an opportunity on her?
Branchus: Guys, please, just trust me; she's smarter than we think..
Raymond: Hmm..
Misty: I'm tired..
Monique: Time for bed!
Maria: I'm exhausted.. *yawns*
Gladis: *snores*
Natalia: Survivors, everyone gather around!

Natalia: Goodmorning everyone! As you all know, Raymond won the reward challenge, so he gets to choose one person to join him on a date out in Monte Vista. Raymond, who have you chosen?
Raymond: I have decided to take..
Raymond: Monique because she's quite the dolly.

Anabelle: WHAT?!

Misty: That jerk.

Monique: Really? Me? Well.. Okay, I'd love to!

Natalia: Great! You two will leave shortly, have fun!
Monique: Wow, Raymond, isn't this place beautiful?
Raymond: Not as beautiful as you, my dear dolly.
Monique: Oh, Raymond..

Raymond: *winks*

Monique: *whispers* You can kiss me now..
Monique: You're really sweet, Raymond-
Raymond: Why thank you, thank you very much.
Monique: -but I don't think we could ever be together, well, at least not outside of this game.
Raymond: Why not?
Monique: My parents - they would never approve.
Raymond: Well, at least we have each other right now.
Monique: You're really okay with that? Oh, Raymond, you're the best!


Maria: So how was your date with Raymond?
Monique: It was amazing! He's such a sweet guy, I just hope that Anabelle and Misty don't come after me now..

Maria: Speaking of which, who are we going after? I know you won't like this, but I think we should get rid of Raymond. He's a huge threat..

Gladis: Sorry, Maria, but I must disagree - Anabelle needs to go.
Monique: I have to agree with Gladis, I can't vote for Raymond. I just can't.

Branchus: I can't believe I'm actually talking to you, but I have a proposition.
Misty: Go on..
Branchus: Well, we both hate Anabelle, so I was wondering if you would vote her off tonight.
Misty: I don't think so, I need to get rid of a certain heartbreaker.
Branchus: Please, Misty?
Misty: Maybe..
Anabelle: Listen, Danny, you've got to help me. I've heard my name being thrown around here and there, and now I feel like I might be in danger. You have to help me stay, can you vote off Raymond, and maybe get some of your friends to as well? I really don't want to go home, and who knows, if you help me you might just get a little something in return..
Danny: Haha.. I like the sound of that. I'll think about it, let me see what I can do, and we'll see what happens at tribal council.
Anabelle: Okay Danny, I trust you.
 Natalia: Hello survivors, and welcome to the very first Outlast tribal council. One at a time you will go to our voting station and say the name of the survivor who you want to go home, the survivor with the most votes will be eliminated. First, I want to here how your first week at camp was. Misty, has there been any drama so far?

Misty: Well, a few of the girls kind of maybe liked this one guy.. Until we found out that he was a complete jerkface as-
Natalia: Okay then! Branchus, how has it been living with complete strangers?
Branchus: It's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I just feel like this would be so much easier if these people even came close to matching me intellectually, but I guess that's just the price I have to pay for being so... Perfect.
Natalia: Oh Branchus, you remind me a little bit of myself. Raymond, have you noticed any alliances being formed?
Raymond: Oh boy, where do I begin? Everyone's been scrambling trying to make sure that they don't go home, and that results in a mess of alliances. The hard part is deciding which ones are the ones worth sticking with.
Natalia: Alright, with that, let's get to the voting.
Natalia: I have tallied all the votes, and it's time to find out who will be eliminated. The first vote is for..



Natalia: Anabelle. The second vote is for..
Natalia: Anabelle. The third vote is for..
Natalia: Anabelle. The fourth vote is for..
Natalia: Raymond. The fifth vote is for..
Natalia: Raymond. The sixth vote is for..
Natalia: Anabelle. The seventh vote is for..
Natalia: Anabelle. That's 5 votes, meaning that Anabelle, you are the first person voted off of Outlast: The Sims 3 Survivor and the first member of our jury. Any final thoughts?
Anabelle: Been quite fun, hope the best person wins, and those who voted me out I'm gonna give you a"present" when the show's over, have fun everyone see ya!
Natalia: So Anabelle is now eliminated, and we are down to 7 survivors. Who will win immunity next week, and who will be voted off? Find out next time on Outlast: The Sims 3 Survivor.

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